The Playful Otter

40 x 53 cm

The Moon Whisperer

The moon symbolizes several things, including emotions and the intuitive - the idea here is to understand and befriend your emotions. Finding the balance within yourself. when sometimes we act too fast or maybe react too slowly... Take your inner moon under your arm, throw yourself into it - Try to balance and become friends with your moon.


Two wilted leaves on a clothesline that are simultaneously a heart.
The heart has broken and is hanging to dry on the string. Whether it heals or not is unknown, but the drowned heart is hung out to dry, so there is hope.

Dansen i Paris Monotopi

40 x 53 cm

Fields of Summer

53x30 cm

The wonderful colours, scents and feelings that the warm summer fields so generously give us.

Hummingbirds & Summer Nights€

45x42 cm

A positive thought about bright and warm summer nights.

crossing hearts

44x40 cm

We meet different people on our journey, and if we’re lucky we sometimes experience how our heart crosses paths with another heart in a very special way.


40x53 cm

Love and friendship between two souls symbolized by the cat and the ram. The cat looks back and up - needs to go home to the universe from where we come and comforts the ram who will move on in life.

A picture about never-ending love.


48x53 cm

No matter color, religion, sexuality or however we may differ from eachother -The world is for all of us.

Coffee & Cocktails

40×60 cm

Dolphin II

53×40 cm

Love for the ocean.

Morning Has Broken

48×34 cm

A tribute to each new day.


60×45 cm

Our journey through life with our individual luggage – Be close to the moment – Stay mindful.


45×63 cm

Warm summer days and nights!

All We Ever Look For

65×45 cm

What we are looking for in our lives. The dancing woman harmoniously plays out her life-cycle connecting our earth to the universe using her scarf full of planets.


57×42 cm

Sometimes we complicate things more than have to.The simple solution is often the best.

On the Other Side

53×50 cm

The circle meets the square, the etheric meets the down-to-earthly, with a key hole in the middle.
One dimension – our eternal question about what happens after we die? What will meet us there, on the other side of our lives?
Another – what is the consequence of the important decisions we make in our lives?
Imagine if we could take a peak through the keyhole and see where our choices will lead us before we make them…

Celebration II

52×40 cm

A joyous picture, a celebration to life.

The Art of Loving

57×55 cm

Women are often too self-critical. We are too thick, too thin, have too short legs, too long legs, freckles, wrinkles etc. Learn to love yourself.

The Cat in the Moon

55×39 cm

Relax, enjoy the present moment together with your cat.

Recovery II

50×40 cm

When you begin to see the the sun after the rain – when you can raise your head up high and see the light again.

The Key

A key placed in the universe - The questions we can ask ourselves ranging from the more philosophical ones like - What are we doing here, the meaning of life to questions about what decisions we have to make in our lives. Which doors can be opened with the key, where does it fit.

The Kissing Dog Monotopi

40 x 53 cm


Love and loss can be proportional - If you have loved much, the pain of losing is as deep as love is great. A picture about love and how we find comfort and regain peace.


53x39 cm

The cat looks out from a keyhole, the tail lies like a road leading to a dream place... When we sometimes find ourselves in a place we don't want to be, when we do other things in life than we would have wanted to do. 

Take charge of your life and live out your dreams.

Friday Night the Italian Way

48x40 cm

A nice Friday night - Grab the pasta and open a bottle of wine -Relax and enjoy life!


39x55 cm

Falling in love

Time After Time

56×23 cm

Composition of 3 mini graphics which symbolize reincarnation.

Top picture – Dancing In the Universe – an expression for dancing souls in the universe before we are reincarnated – Middle picture – The Sound of Nature – illustrates our time on earth where we tend to over analyze things while we are here – leads to the third picture – Eternity – the connection between the sun, the moon and the star, and a buddha-like figure – The return of the soul coming home in harmony with the universe.

Enjoy Life

60×43 cm

Wellness for Body and Soul

70×36 cm

A search for harmony and balance in all aspects of life.

Body and Soul

60×45 cm

You are in the present between that past and the future. Live life!

Always Bring the Weather

55×39 cm

On rainy days filled with longing remember to bring your inner warmth and dreams with you.


34×31 cm

A meditation picture.
Buddha said – “There is no way to happiness happiness is the way”.

Room With a View

40×36 cm

The view from the open balcony door on a beautiful day overlooking the sea.

House of Love

73×25 cm

The gecko is each one of us, and our walk through life – a walk during which we will stay in different „houses”, get to know different kinds of love.

Me, Myself, I

52×50 cm

Three stages of life – being young and full of dreams and plans, being in the middle of our lives, and reaching the age when we look back. Remember to do the things you want while you still can, don’t wait too long!
Remember your heart – your love for life itself.

Here Comes the Sun

42×52 cm

Here comes the sun.


53×50 cm

The elephant, a symbol of strength and stability, has nevertheless become an endangered species among many others. We have to turn the elephant so it can move forward again – change the way we treat animals and nature for the better.
Our earth and its nature is Fragile.

Favorite Things

55×45 cm

A picture expressing some of the things that I enjoy in life – from pizza to palm trees..!


43×30 cm

Longing for someone who is important in your life.


50×38 cm

To make the right decisions and keeping the balance in life.

The moon path

A dreamy stroll on the moon path in the universe of the Milky Way.

Seize the Day

Live in the moment.


A clock placed in the universe, the watch hands are shaped like a human being.

Time passes and time speeds up as we get older.

Do the things you want to do before time passes you by.

Medusa monoprint

40 x 53 cm


45x50 cm

An agreement where both parties get what neither of them really wanted.


45x40 cm

One of the best days of the year - When we change our clocks to summertime - Bright days are back!


35x55 cm

Life consists of millions of moments.

This picture symbolizes one of the moments in your life where everything feels perfect.


40x55 cm

Spring is here! Set your curiosity free and explore life!

Dare To Be Different

56×37 cm

Dare to be different – To have the courage to be yourself.

True Colors

50×45 cm

Our lives illustrated as a palette – Chose the colours on your life’s palette – Have influence on how you color your life.

Morning Star

43×40 cm

Morning star – most commonly used as a name for the planet Venus when it appears in the east before sunrise. Venus – in Roman mythology a symbol for the Goddess of love.

La Bella Vita

55×65 cm (can variate)

The love of food as one of the good things in life. Joy of life!

What a Wonderful World

30×73 cm

Double meaning - From dusk to dawn, a celebration of life - Reincarnation.

Baby, It Is Cold Outside

50×46 cm

A metaphorical picture – Regardless how unfriendly and cold your surroundings might seem to be there will always be someone who cares for you.

Comfort zone

62×40 cm

We have a tendency to stay in our habits – lean back in our comfort zone. There we have a sense of security, we know what we have, but we are not aware of what we could get.
Try to step out of your comfort zone and spread your wings, explore life! Who knows, maybe you will get more than what you have now.
Dare to live your life fully.

The Friend Inside

65×50 cm

Our heart breaks when we live through sorrow and we are divided into two – our weaker and stronger parts. Your inner friend is a strength, which helps you to move on.

Life’s Journey

45×40 cm

Reincarnation, the labyrinth of our many lives, like a cycle – beautifully expressed by Swedish song writer Mikael Wiehe:
“The only thing which is for certain
is the journey of life
everything returns
and everything starts over again…”

Perfect Circle

50×40 cm

Even when I’m walking straight I always end up in a perfect circle. (Katie Melua)

Horus’ Eye

53×50 cm

Horus is an Egyptian God who among other things gives health and protection. Here is our individual life’s labyrinth in the universe with Horus’ eye in the centre – protecting us through out our life.

Wake Up It’s Spring!

52×40 cm

After a dark and cold winter spring returns – Wake up and live!

Carpe Diem

58×45 cm

A positive dance with ourselves. A part of our selves tries to remind us to live in the present, to catch the day.

In Search of Peter Pan

82×58 cm

A picture, which unfolds as you watch it. First it is a question mark. Then you find a person, who shapes the sign. Then you will find other persons and other figures. This picture invites us not to forget our inner child, dreams and our goals. Do not forget to play, do not forget to stay true to yourself.